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Inside Voice Podcast

Dec 26, 2022

Whether you want to admit it or not, we need people in our lives. We are social beings and are craving connection. And no, social media isn't cutting it. As humans, we are meant to be social, but it's so easy to turn down opportunities to truly connect with one another. Why? Because it takes effort, time, and energy. We...

Dec 12, 2022

Let's get moving! A few years ago, I made a commitment to move my body daily and boy, has it changed my life. So of course I had to make it part of my 5 Game-Changing Habits That Completely Rocked My World series. How often do you move? Are you taking care of your body so it will ultimately show up for you? It's time we...

Nov 23, 2022

What a blessing it is to eat... am I right? We have to nourish ourselves, but the fact that we get to enjoy that process is wonderful in and of itself. If you're like me, you've tilted the scales too far from nourishment and too far into enjoyment. We all struggle with it. So how can we get ourselves back to a place...

Nov 7, 2022

Ever lose sleep thinking about losing sleep? Getting enough shuteye on a regular basis can be a stressful topic that can quite literally keep you up at night. However, sleep is a vital part of healthy living. You body, mind and spirit need it. So how can we hack our routines and set ourselves up for success when it...

Oct 24, 2022

Are you chasing happiness? Have you found yourself unsatisfied or let down? Perhaps it's time to stop looking for happiness outside of yourself? It's far better to start within on your journey to happiness. It can be as simple as taking care of your mind and being aware of what you're feeding it. Let's dive into ways...