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Inside Voice Podcast

Apr 27, 2020

I'm a self-proclaimed procrastinator when it comes to things outside of my job. This quarantine has made that blatantly obvious, because I no longer have the excuse of "I don't have time." Now, it's not always easy to find the motivation, but I've picked up a few tricks that have helped me set myself up for success....

Apr 20, 2020

Things certainly look and feel different these days, don't they? As we navigate this pandemic, I find myself being very hopeful for what's to come. Our lives have slowed down during this time and I hope that we are receiving clarity on what truly matters in life. As I dream about the future, these are the things I want...

Apr 13, 2020

"Believe in yourself." A mantra meant to inspire however, as a kid I felt is was nothing more than a frilly catchphrase used on Disney Channel to keep kids watching. As I've grown, I've realized that believing in yourself isn't just a happy hurrah used to get us through a situation. No, it's much bigger than that. And...

Apr 6, 2020

We're living in some interesting times aren't we? I've seen many people close up shop, literally and figuratively, and it's heartbreaking. While there's a part of me that feels like continuing my podcast is tone deaf and insensitive, I can't get past this feeling of motivation to keep pressing forward. This quarantine...