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Inside Voice Podcast

May 25, 2020

The last few months have been a wonderful mix of stress, uncertainty, sadness, and fear. Routines and schedules have been rattled and it's been difficult to find our footing again. How do we take care of ourselves when everything feels out of place? Well, we get back to the basics. I've got seven things that I believe...

May 18, 2020

Have you ever noticed that good baseball players are always in motion? They are moving with the pitch and charging the ball as it barrels toward them. Believe it or not, this motion gives them control over the situation. They're not sitting back on their heels waiting to see what happens. Instead they are on their toes...

May 11, 2020

How can we experience joy in our lives? Joy, to me, is bigger than happiness, which can be based on events or circumstances. Joy is a practice that I believe we can exercise in our daily lives. But how? How can we bring ourselves joy on a daily basis? There's no magic potion, but there are some practices that I believe...

May 4, 2020

Have you become an expert in negative self-talk? I know I have. It's so bad that I don't even realize I'm putting myself down in conversations with loved ones. But words matter, especially the ones we speak to and about ourselves. I believe all negative self-talk is rooted in three areas. Let's dissect those and...